The Story We Trust With Our Lives

The Story We Trust With Our Lives

The Big Story Summary

This fall we are teaching through a series on the Big Story of the Bible, from Genesis (the first book) to Revelation (the last book of the Bible).  As we go, each week we are going to produce a short statement summarizing that part of the Biblical story.  The idea is that by the end of the series we will have a concise single page summary of the Biblical Story that will be helpful for teaching, reflecting on, and interacting with the Biblical story for our church community.  On this web page we will be distributing those statements along with artwork created in our community for this series.  We hope it brings our whole community to think more deeply on the Big Story of the Bible.

We Believe:

1. God has communicated to humanity throughout history; the written record is his words intended for all people at all times and in every place.  This book, known as the Bible, is God’s story of who he is, what the world is, who humans are, and the ultimate purposes of history. It is the true and reliable story we trust with our lives.

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