The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

• Mark 1:14-15
• Luke 4:18-21
• Jeremiah 23:5-6

The Kingdom of God is assumed to be the sovereign (or total/complete/ultimate power) rule of God over earth, initiated by Jesus and being completed when Jesus returns again.

To hunger for justice is to hope that the things that cause us to mourn won’t get the last word” – ESAU MCCAULLEY 

“If the Kingdom is good news, it surely isn’t safe” – Jen Pollock Michelle. 

The church is the instrument of the kingdom in the world. As the kingdom worked through Jesus, and then through his disciples, so the kingdom will continue to work through the church. Through us. You and me.

Living in the here but not yet means participating in this kingdom work. Sometimes that Kingdom work is really hard. It’s not a safe place, and it isn’t meant to be. It’s not a comfortable side of a fence. It’s not a life of just getting by. It requires sacrifice and being ‘upended’ for the cause of Christ. But it is good. It is good.

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